Chen-style Taijiquan in Munich

Chen-style Taijiquan Gongfujia
Chinese martial arts for modern times
Kungfu of the Chen family
Our Taijiquan is also referred to as Gongfujia - a framework with which we can develop our skills (Kungfu, or actually Gongfu).
What Gongfu looks like can differ quite a bit. In situations of confrontation we need self-confidence, prudence, calm, but also reliable physical skills. On a health level, ability means coherent biomechanics that strengthen over time and are available to us in everyday life.
Our Taijiquan is an integral part of the long tradition of Kungfu, which encompasses countless styles, traditions and schools. We therefore train our Taijiquan as a martial art the way it was originally intended.
Body work and mindfulness are integrated into the training. This makes Chen-style Taijiquan also a form of functional training, on a physical and mental level.
Functional martial arts
We train Chen-style Taijiquan functionally in two ways: we test the original function of the training, the martial application, playfully with others. And on the level of health, we follow the logic of functional training by developing the biomechanical function of our body.
Complex movement
Functional training works with complex movement. The richer our movement practice, the more powerful our body and mind become. Our everyday life is physically impoverished, so our bodies adapt to rigidity. The result is shortened muscles, overloaded joints and poor posture.
Physical challenge
Chen style Taijiquan challenges us through complex, demanding posture and movement. We grow with the challenge, both physically and mentally. Combining solo and partner exercise makes training more effective because both parts reinforce each other.
Partner training as a teacher
We get rid of old, harmful habits and create a new feeling of body and movement. When working with our training partners, we recognize the limits of our posture and body mechanics. Over time, we develop a deep understanding of healthy, coherent biomechanics.
Partnerwork in Chen-style Taijiquan
Our Taijiquan training begins with working on the posture, tension and mechanics of our own body. We build connections between body parts and ultimately develop whole-body strength - in the form of techniques and maneuvers that give us the upper hand in a physical confrontation.
Starting with simple partner exercises at the beginning, we approach fighting using joint-locking and throwing techniques. Forms of Tuishou, or pushing hands, in which we learn to deal with force, play a major role. For actual fighting skill we use playful, free formats - including wrestling and sparring.
How far we delve into the combative aspects depends on our own ambition. We can approach the topic of combat step by step with Chen-style Taijiquan - regardless of whether our context is self-defense, work in the security sector, or sportive competition.
Through partner training, we constantly test our understanding of biomechanics. We not only become stronger, but also learn how to deal with our own strength - and that of our partners when it affects us. The end result is whole-body strength, from feet to fingertips.

Our training content
Elements of our comprehensive curriculum
In Chen-style Taijiquan we progress from requirements regarding our posture, through connections between parts of our body, to specific force paths (jin in Chinese). These forces are then applied and explored through partnerwork.
Form training
Our weekly evening sessions focus on the short form of Gongfujia. It consists of the first two parts of the long form and contains the most important sequences and techniques. In workshops, we deepen and expand the short form and learn the long form as required.
Basic exercises
With our basic exercises we train the requirements and individual connections. The movements are borrowed from the forms. Because of the simple choreography we can get into biomechanics straight away. There is supportive partner training for every exercise.
Partner training
All solo exercises are accompanied by partner training. Simple exercises create an understanding of posture and connections. Applications illustrate body mechanics. Later we build up fighting skills through pushing hands.
Are you interested in our training group? Or you have questions about our Taijiquan? Then send us a message!